Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Refuse To Participate In The Financial Crisis

Today, I sealed up two big orders. These two orders are bigger than some salespeople can chalk in an entire year!

There are two things I want to write here. First, I actually secured the leads from a client of mine and I gave the leads to a salesperson in my sales team. He did not work on the names. I subsequently called up these prospects, secured appointments and conducted sales presentations. I failed to sell some of them, but I successfully sealed two orders out of the leads, two big orders! The moral of the story is simple - People fail not because of the people they fail to sell, but the people they fail to see.

Secondly, I refuse to set my eyes on the fog in the financial storm, I set my eyes on the lighthouse . Due to prior commitments, goals and plans set forth by me, I am not participating in the financial crisis!

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