Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Are you in discomfort or in boiling water

The recent global fuel hike and food shortage are making it difficult for retirees to cope. They are old, frail and weak. They cannot turn back the clock and they regret for not having more money saved for retirement.

For the rich or those who are above average, they still can cope with the rise prices of groceries and transport, because they have a 'gap' for adjustments. They can travel on budget airlines instead of economy class, or even travel on buses. They can ride a bike to work instead of driving there. They can queue in general hospitals for treatments instead of going to private hospital. They are going through discomfort or inconveniences now.

For the poor, they are already riding to work, they are already queuing in general hospitals, they are already find it difficult to cope with life even without the fuel hike. They are now in trouble! They are now in boiling water!

Are you going through the stage of discomfort or are you in boiling water?

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